Tim Quick

By Tom Dobinson on November 1, 2022 in with No Comments

Tim Quick

I think I’m possibly Munchkin Patch’s oldest customer, in age but more relevantly in the length of time that the Janine and Tom have supported our children. Through from my eldest daughter, now 13, Munchkin Patch saw her through from her pre-school years through to leaving Primary, and my youngest, 10, now in year 6 of Primary, having been supported through all her Primary school years – the length of time that we have been customers of the Patch serves as testament to the relationship and support built up over those years – the children have been nurtured and grown in confidence from their time with Janine and Tom and its an area I see from my own children and others as I sit as Chair of Governors at the Local Primary School. The setting continues to be one of support and more than one simply of child care – my continued thanks to Janine and Tom for their past, present and ongoing nurturing of my children
