Child fitness

By little munchkin patch on March 30, 2020 in Home learning with No Comments

Child fitness

Child fitness

We love staying fit and healthy, it’s so important for children to use their muscles and maintain stamina during this extended time at home but they also need to continue to improve muscles and stamina as they grow too.

Most days at Little Munchkin Patch we complete a child friendly Yoga routine together. The Yoga workout sheet available to download on this page is the same we use at little munchkin patch.
Some of the older munchkins should be able to go through the positions on their own, however most of the younger munchkins might need support, either way it’s a good way to get the body moving, keep fit, and feel energised while indoors.

Alternatively, children and adults too can get moving to our new 7 minute Hiit workout. Whether its starfish jumps or bear crawls it’s all natural animal movements so it should be fun to crawl all the way along the living room no matter what the weather is doing outside.  

There are many YouTube channels for fitness but we want to support our local heroes who specialise in children’s fitness.  Like many companies IG Sports Coaching LTD has taken their coaching online lately. This YouTube video is a great workout for little ones to get active.

Click on the large buttons below to download

Little Munchkin Patch Yoga

Little Munchkin Patch 7 minute Hiit Workout
