August Planning 19

By little munchkin patch on August 5, 2019 in News with No Comments

August Planning 19

August Planning

We are going on a bug hunt…..we are going to catch a big one….we are not afraid! In August it’s all about insects, bugs and other crawlers. We will be taking our trail sheets and magnifying glasses on our walks and see which insects we can spot. Indoor we will use books, pictures, you tube clips, songs, dance, drawings and paintings to explore the topic of bugs and insects further.

Resources to support learning at home for the months are:

Books of the month:
“The very hungry caterpillar”
“The very busy spider”
“The very quiet cricket”

Song of the month:
“Incy Wincy Spider…”.
For those of you that wish to sing it at home here are the lyrics:
“The incey wincey spider
Climbed up the spout
Down came the rain
And washed the spider out
Out came the sun
And dried up all the rain
And the incey wincey spider
Climbed up again “
Don’t forget the finger and hand actions 😉
